150cc Lounge Season 7 Launch Notes

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MMR Reset

All players have been moved closer to the median. The algorithm for this reset is much softer than previous seasons due to the short length of seasons from now on. Starting MMR has a cap of 12500 and a minimum of 1000 this season. Tiers will remain unchanged from last season.

New Bot Features

You can now request a name change without making a support ticket with MK8DX bot using the !requestname command. Here is an example usage of me requesting a change to Cynda 2:

Rule Changes

We have added a rule about the situation where a player disconnects after the room has started but before the first race starts. There has been confusion about what to do in the past, with some hosts deciding to restart the room out of courtesy and some continuing without restarting. From now on, if a player claims a disconnection before the first race the host should restart the first time it happens, and continue otherwise.
ii. In the event that a player disconnects before the first race of a mogi starts, the room must be restarted. This rule only applies once, if a player disconnects before the first race a second time the room should continue without closing. A player should provide video proof (switch clip, stream, etc.) of their disconnection if requested; otherwise they will receive 1 strike. If the host does not restart, the first race will not count.

From now on, in Squad Queue 6v6 matches a repick is a -20 score penalty in addition to the -50 MMR penalty:
e. Players who repick a course will receive a -50 MMR penalty. Players who repick a course at least twice will also receive a strike.
i. In Squad Queue 6v6 matches, repicking a course will also result in a -20 penalty to the team's score (subtracted from the offending player's score).

Added a clarification saying that the tag should be at the front of the name if the player declaring the tag doesn't say otherwise with regard to MMR penalties:
iv. If not stated otherwise, the tag should start at the beginning of the name by default with regard to (i.)

Last season there were a lot of cases of item roulette lag making a race unplayable but the race still counting according to the ruleset. To address this, we are adding an experimental rule describing when a race doesn't count. Note that two different item sets means that bagging at the same set of item boxes does not count with regard to this rule, the lag must occur in two different places on the track. We may make this rule more lenient or more strict in the future depending on how effective it seems to be down the road.
e. If at least three players experience delayed items in at least two different item sets during a race with video proof if requested, the race does not count.

Finally, we added another condition in which a sub is allowed in SQ matches, since getting an eligible sub in some rooms could be nearly impossible if the room MMR was close enough:
c. Subs are allowed in Squad Queue events; however, the sub's MMR must follow at least one of these conditions:
i. The team would still be in the same room with the sub's MMR taken into account.
ii. The sub's MMR is within 1000 MMR of the original player.

Placement Score Changes

We have modified the placement scores for Season 7 to better reflect the estimated ability of new players who play their first match in Tier F:
12-99: 1500 MMR (Iron 2)
100-114: 2500 MMR (Bronze 1)
115-129: 3500 MMR (Bronze 2)
130+: 4500 MMR (Silver 1)
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サポートチケットを作成せずに、MK8DX Botで名前変更の依頼ができるようになりました。依頼する際に使用するコマンドは !requestnameです。例えばCyndaからCynda2への名前変更を依頼する場合は以下のようになります。


ii. 1レース目開始前に回線落ちが発生した場合、ホストは再開設をする必要があります。このルールは1度のみ適応され、1レース目開始前の回線落ちが2度目の場合は続行となります。回線落ちの証拠を求められた際に提出できない場合、そのプレイヤーはstrikeを受けます。ホストが再開設しない場合、1レース目は無効となります。

今後Squad Queue 6v6において、コース重複は-50MMRに加え、-20点とします。
e. コースを重複したプレイヤーは-50MMRを受けます。2回以上重複した場合、strikeを受けます。
i. Squad Queue 6v6においてコース重複をした場合、上記に加え、チームに対して-20点のペナルティが与えられます。(重複したプレイヤーに対して-20点)

iv. 特に指定がない場合、ルール (i.) のタグは先頭につけるものとします。

e. レース中に少なくとも3人のプレイヤーが、少なくとも2つの異なるアイテムボックスにおいて、ラグによりアイテムが決まらない場合、そのレースは無効となります。動画の提出を求められた際には提出する必要があります。

c. サブについてはSquad Queueにおいても認められています。ただし、サブのMMRは以下の条件のうち、少なくとも1つに従わなければなりません。
i. チームはサブのプレイヤーのMMRで平均値を求めても、その平均値が部屋のMMRの範囲内に収まっている。
ii. サブのMMRが元のプレイヤーから1000MMR以内である。


12-99: 1500 MMR (Iron 2)
100-114: 2500 MMR (Bronze 1)
115-129: 3500 MMR (Bronze 2)
130+: 4500 MMR (Silver 1)
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MMR Reset

Tout le monde a été rapproché du MMR médian. Comparé aux prochaines saisons, vous observerez un gain/perte de MMR moins grand, compte tenu de la courte durée des saisons.

Nouvelle commande
Vous pouvez à présent demander un changement de nom par vous même sans créer de ticket, en utilisant la commande !requestname . Voici un exemple d'utilisation de la commande

Changement de règles

Nous avons ajouté une règle dans la situation ou un joueur déconnecte après que la salle soit lancée, mais avant que la première course commence. Il y'avait confusion par le passé, certains hosts décidaient de fermer la salle, d'autres non. Dorénavant, si un joueur dit qu'il a été victime d'une déconnexion avant le début de la première course, l'hôte doit fermer la salle si c'est la première fois de l'event que ce problème arrive. Passé cette première fois, si le problème resurgit, l'hôte ne doit pas fermer la salle.

ii. In the event that a player disconnects before the first race of a mogi starts, the room must be restarted. This rule only applies once, if a player disconnects before the first race a second time the room should continue without closing. A player should provide video proof (switch clip, stream, etc.) of their disconnection if requested; otherwise they will receive 1 strike. If the host does not restart, the first race will not count.

En Squad Queue 6v6, un repeat entraine une pénalité de -20 points en + de la pénalité de 50 MMR

e. Players who repick a course will receive a -50 MMR penalty. Players who repick a course at least twice will also receive a strike.
i. In Squad Queue 6v6 matches, repicking a course will also result in a -20 penalty to the team's score (subtracted from the offending player's score).

Ajout d'une clarification disant que le tag doit être au début du nom si la personne décidant du tag ne précise pas la place du dit tag.

iv. If not stated otherwise, the tag should start at the beginning of the name by default with regard to (i.)

La saison dernière, il y'a eu beaucoup de plaintes concernant un lag de roulette qui rendait la course injouable. Pour répondre à ce problème, nous ajoutons une règle expérimentale décrivant les conditions dans lesquelles une course ne doit pas compter. A noter que "deux différents item set" signifie que bag à un set ne compte pas dans cette règle, le lag doit se dérouler a 2 endroits/moments différents de la map. Cette règle étant expérimentale, il est possible qu'elle change lors de la saison, devenant plus ou moins stricte en fonction de son utilité et de son utilisation.

e. If at least three players experience delayed items in at least two different item sets during a race with video proof if requested, the race does not count.

Enfin, nous avons ajouté une condition supplémentaire pour les subs en Squad Queue, les règles actuelles rendant la possibilité de trouver un sub quasi impossible dans certains cas

c. Subs are allowed in Squad Queue events; however, the sub's MMR must follow at least one of these conditions:
i. The team would still be in the same room with the sub's MMR taken into account.
ii. The sub's MMR is within 1000 MMR of the original player.

Changements dans les scores de placement

Nous avons modifié les scores de placement pour la saison 7 afin de mieux refléter le niveau des joueurs qui jouent leur premier match en tier F
12-99: 1500 MMR (Iron 2)
100-114: 2500 MMR (Bronze 1)
115-129: 3500 MMR (Bronze 2)
130+: 4500 MMR (Silver 1)
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