200cc Blue Shell Outrun/Poof Guide

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This is a guide detailing the tracks you can outrun blue shells on to the finish line and/or outrun the blue long enough to the point that it de-spawns, or as I’ll call it, “poofs.” Some general information to remember when outrunning blue shells:

- Blue shells take ~30 seconds to poof.

- Entering a cannon glider while a blue shell is locked onto you will cause the blue to delay going through the cannon; giving you enough time to continue outrunning when landing back on the track. If the blue hasn’t locked on when you’re already going through the cannon, it will hit you upon landing as there will be no delay.

- It’s generally best to stay in the middle of the track as blue shells can cut off nearby off-road and out of bounds corners in order to hit you. The strategy often becomes continuing to lead the blue shell behind you and not giving it a chance to catch up or cut you off.

- Maintaining smooth drifting lines, otherwise known as neutral drifting, is important when going around longer turns as any sort of waggle back and forth of the control stick can slow you down enough for the blue shell to catch up and strike.

- Once a blue shell has locked on, you will no longer get warning signals for other items like red shells. Be sure to keep your awareness behind you while outrunning.

- Getting inked by Blooper while outrunning a blue shell will result in it catching up to you if there is no boost pad nearby to remove the ink. This is because Blooper ink reduces your speed and traction when drifting.

- Since coins increase your top speed, having a higher coin count generally makes outrunning blue shells easier.

Key terms:
NISC = no item shortcut
MT = mini-turbo
SMT = super mini-turbo
UMT = ultra mini-turbo
neutral drift = drifting with little-to-no movement of the control stick

I hope this guide can serve as a helpful resource for anyone in the community. Nino and I will also update it with any new discoveries that are made, so feel free to share (contact Deci#2998 or Nino#7057 on Discord) if you find one! Very special thanks to @Nino. and @Elmer for all the help in creating this guide and thank you to any credited players for clips provided!

Players credited for clips and discoveries:

alpha: https://twitter.com/ovum0
Chibi (Luma): https://twitter.com/Eevee2727
Darky: https://twitter.com/notdarky
Deci: https://twitter.com/Deci200
Elmer: https://twitter.com/InnocentElmer
Euan: https://twitter.com/YB_EUAN_MK8
konni: https://twitter.com/kxnni_
Luckyo: https://twitter.com/Luckyo4TW
Nino: https://twitter.com/ZitroNino
Pianist: https://twitter.com/Pianist151
StiggyDan: https://twitter.com/Daniel1R6
Technical: https://twitter.com/TechnicalJL
Toshiki: https://twitter.com/toshiki_829

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Mushroom Cup

Mario Kart Stadium (MKS): Can poof

The blue shell must lock onto you after the ending u-turn, but before the glider. Land from the glider and charge a SMT on the turn before the finish. At the next turn charge a MT and drive straight towards the boost pads. Drift along the boost pads and release a UMT. Charge a MT at the next two turns before the u-turn. Upon drifting around the u-turn the blue will poof.

Clip from Deci​

Water Park (WP): Can't outrun or poof

Sweet Sweet Canyon (SSC): Can outrun to the finish line. Poof is possible, but incredibly difficult (Discovered by @E.St4)

The easiest way to outrun the blue shell is for it to lock onto you on the pink path. From here, drive normally and charge a quick MT/SMT around the final turn towards the finish line.

In order to poof the blue shell, it must lock onto you right before entering the cannon glider. Land from the cannon in the middle of the track and quickly charge back-to-back SMTs down the spiral; veering wide towards the blue path at the end. Drive the blue path normally and have a clean exit towards the final turn where you will have to charge a quick MT/SMT towards the finish. The blue will poof shortly after crossing the finish line.

Clip from Deci
Credit: @Nino.

Thwomp Ruins (TR): Can poof

You can outrun the blue shell if it locks onto you at any point on this track, but I’ll highlight the driving from the start. You can either take the beginning grass NISC or go the normal route without braking. If you do take the NISC you must execute it perfectly with no speed loss. It is therefore easier and more consistent to go the normal route. Charge a SMT around the u-turn and another SMT into the tunnel. Drive onto the anti-gravity and take the boost pads. Trick at the end of the boost pads and veer left towards the next anti-gravity wall; tricking again at the end of it. Drive normally to the finish line and the blue will poof.

Credit: @alpha
Clip from Deci
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Flower Cup

Mario Circuit (MC): Can outrun to the finish line. Poof is possible, but very difficult

For the more doable outrun to the finish line, the blue shell must lock onto you during the trick ramps section. After the trick ramps heading into the spiraling turn, quickly charge back-to-back SMTs. Next, drift left and charge another SMT. Finally, drift right and charge a SMT followed by a MT onto the glider ramp and you will make it to the finish line.

In order to poof the blue shell, it doesn't matter where it locks on. You essentially have to quickly charge SMTs on all of the turns while maintaining wide lines.

Credit: @Darky
Credit: @Luckyo

Toad Harbor (TH): Can poof

The blue shell must lock onto you while approaching the point of the track where the trolleys spawn. Here you can either neutral drift in the middle of the track or take the boost pads on the anti-gravity. In the downhill section take the boost pads on the left and then charge a MT/SMT wide of the final bit of off-road. At the first turn charge a MT wide of the NISC and trick off the boost ramp. Land right and drift wide under the tent towards the far-left boost pad. Finally, drift onto the upper route split path and the blue should poof.

Credit: @Pianist15
Credit: @Nino.

Twisted Mansion (TM): Can poof (Discovered by @Luma)

The blue shell must lock onto you by the second item set before the underwater section. Charge a quick SMT around the first underwater turns into a left turn MT where you’ll veer towards the left split path. Trick off of the glider ramp and land on the lower path. Charge a quick SMT and drive normally afterwards. The blue should poof shortly after the u-turn.

Clip from Deci​

Shy Guy Falls (SGF): Can't outrun or poof

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Star Cup

Sunshine Airport (SA): Can poof

The blue shell must lock onto you on the boost pads before the first glider. Upon landing from the glider, charge back-to-back SMTs before tricking off of the second glider. From here just drive the track normally and the blue will eventually poof.

It is possible to outrun the blue shell through the middle portion of the track, but it is very difficult to execute. You need to do a double drift off of the first boost ramp; charging a quick SMT into another drift right of the next boost ramp. Land underneath the plane and drift wide-left of the ramp. If you make it to the boost pads, just execute the aforementioned double SMTs and resume driving normally.

Credit: @Nino.
Credit: @E.St4

Dolphin Shoals (DS): Can poof

The blue shell must lock onto you while going off of the glider ramp. Land quickly into the water and drive straight towards the finish line. Neutral drift and charge a MT towards the first item set. From here, drive towards the right of the middle trick ramp and quickly charge a SMT around the next turn. Release the SMT and motion towards the far-right of the track aiming for the wide boost panels. Trick towards the boost panels into a right drift and charge a MT off of the panels towards the eel. Trick off of the next boost ramp and continue to trick on the eel. The blue should poof shortly afterwards.

Credit: @Nino.

Electrodrome (ED): Can outrun to the finish line

The blue shell must lock onto you after the final glider. Land into a drift and trick off the ramp. Land into another drift, charge a quick SMT and drive straight towards the finish line.

Credit: @Elmer

Mount Wario (MW): Can outrun to the finish line

The blue shell must lock onto you during the snow hills section before the final glider ramp. Just drive normally to the finish line from here.

Credit: @Nino.
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Special Cup

Cloudtop Cruise (CC): Can poof

The blue shell must lock onto you at any point before going through the cannon glider. This outrun requires pretty standard driving of the track. Be sure to charge a quick SMT before the trick ramp leading onto the airship. After landing from the trick, execute back-to-back MTs on the left path of the airship leading into the cannon.

Credit: @Elmer

Bone Dry Dunes (BDD): Can't outrun or poof

Bowser's Castle (BC): Can outrun to the finish line

The blue shell must lock onto you at the split paths and requires taking the left path. After tricking off of the glider, land into a quick left hop followed by a right drift. Charge a quick SMT into another MT while trying to stay in the middle of the turn. Take the upper path and trick off of the ramp towards the finish line. Note that the falling boulder cycle can interrupt this outrun. Being too close to the off-road will result in the blue cutting it off and hitting you.

Clip from Deci​

Rainbow Road (RR): Can outrun to the finish line. Poof is possible, but very situational

The blue shell must lock onto you right before the cannon glider. Drift when path switching and land with a SMT. Next, drift left and charge a MT before then drifting onto the wide boost pads. Hold tight and brake along the boost pads, particularly if you’re using a heavyweight character. Finally, release the UMT and drive towards the finish line.

In order to poof the blue shell, it must be pulled and thrown very early into lap 2. It must lock onto you after going off the first glider heading towards the space station. If the inside conveyor is red, drift along the border of the off-road. If the inside conveyor is green, drift along it. The strategy from here then becomes the same as the outrunning described above. Drive normally after the finish line and the blue should poof around the first turns.

Credit: @StiggyDan
Credit: @TechnicalJL

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Shell Cup

Wii Moo Moo Meadows (rMMM): Can poof

You can outrun the blue shell if it locks onto you at any point on this track with normal driving lines. If you want to be safe, you can take the glider on the far-right located after the second item set. Glide into the boost ramp and trick off of it into the final turn.

Clip from Deci
Credit: @Nino.

GBA Mario Circuit (rMC): Can outrun to the finish line

The blue shell must lock onto you right after the last item set, at which point you can drive normally towards the finish line. If you want to be safe charge a SMT over the final grass NISC, but neutral drifting a MT and hopping over the tires works just as well.

Clip from Deci​

DS Cheep Cheep Beach (rCCB): Can poof, but can not outrun to the finish line

The blue shell must lock onto you after the final turn towards the finish line. Charge a MT on the first turn, trick on the glider, and neutral drift around the following turn before the boost ramp; releasing a MT towards it. Trick on the boost ramp and land left into the water. Go into a right drift and charge a MT over and into the next body of water. Drive normally afterwards and the blue should poof shortly after the last item set.

Credit: @Darky

N64 Toad's Turnpike (rTT): Can poof

You can outrun the blue shell if it locks onto you at any point on this track. The safest method is to neutral drift near the middle of the track for all of the turns. Additionally, taking the last anti-gravity wall is a sure way to get to the finish line.

Credit: @konni
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Banana Cup

GCN Dry Dry Desert (rDDD): Can outrun to the finish line

The blue shell must lock onto you after the sand pit. Charge a SMT before the last item set and release it into the water. Follow up with a left drift and release a MT. Finally, start a right drift, hold wide onto the final turn, release a SMT and drive straight towards the finish line.

Clip from Deci​

SNES Donut Plains 3 (rDP3): Can't outrun or poof

N64 Royal Raceway (rRRy): Can outrun to the finish line. Poof is possible, but very difficult (Discovered by @Darky)

The easiest way to outrun the blue shell is for it to lock onto you on the glider ramp. Charge a quick SMT on the turn after the glider and drive normally to the finish line.

In order to poof the blue shell, it must lock onto you before the second item set. After passing the item set, charge a quick SMT and release it driving as straight as possible towards the left side of the glider ramp. Adjust your angle after having managed to continue leading the blue behind you. If successful, you will be able to drive normally and the blue should poof around the first u-turn of the track.

Credit: @Elmer

3DS DK Jungle (rDKJ): Can outrun to the finish line Poof is possible, but incredibly difficult

You can outrun the blue shell if it locks onto you after the glider NISC. Start a right drift on the middle boost pad, hold the drift through the last boost pad, and release a SMT on the following turn. Charge and release a quick SMT on the u-turn and trick off the ramp. Trick on the glider, land, and neutral drift towards the wide route. Release a MT and trick off the end of the path towards the finish line. Charge a MT followed by another MT towards the left side of the tree. Afterwards, start a left drift onto the branch, hold the drift over the boost ramp, and release a MT right before landing on the bounce pad and trick. Charge a SMT on the following turn towards the bridge. After the bridge, charge another MT and the blue should poof.

Credit: @Darky
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Leaf Cup

DS Wario Stadium (rWS): Can poof

You can poof the blue shell if it locks onto you after the first two turns. After the second turn, start a left drift into the boost pad and release a SMT. Drive through the set of boost pads, starting another left drift after landing from the final boost pad. Hold the drift, release a MT, followed by a right hop and a right drift onto the following boost pad. Release a MT and immediately start a left drift. Release a MT and immediately start a right drift into the anti-gravity section. Release another MT into a left drift and release another MT. Start a left drift and trick roughly in the middle of the trick ramp followed by another left drift. Release a MT as you trick off of the first boost pad. Upon landing, start a left drift off of the third boost pad. As you enter the water make sure to land after the trick ramps with a immediate SMT and trick on the glider. Charge a quick SMT on the turn after the finish line and the blue should poof.

Credit: @Elmer

GCN Sherbet Land (rSL): Can poof

You can poof the blue shell if it locks onto you right before the last item set. From there, release a SMT into a left drift, ensuring you are on the right side of the lake opening. Release a MT, followed by a right drift and another MT. Start another right drift, release a MT and trick off of the end of the lake exit. After the finish line charge back-to-back MTs. Then start a right drift and release a MT before entering into the lake. While hitting the boost pads underwater, start a right drift and drift over the boost pad out of the lake. Upon landing, release a SMT followed by back-to-back MTs in the cave. Charge a SMT while exiting the cave and the blue should poof.

Credit: @Luckyo

3DS Music Park (rMP): Can outrun to the finish line

The blue shell must lock onto you after the glider. Upon exiting the music note section, start a right drift, release a MT and trick off of the bounce pad. Immediately hop over the grass patch and you should barely make it to the finish line.

Credit: @alpha

N64 Yoshi Valley (rYV): Can outrun to the finish line or trick the blue shell

The blue shell must lock onto you after the hairpin turn before the last item set. Drive normally until reaching the bridge. Ignore the ending NISC and charge back-to-back MTs on the normal route after the bridge. You should be able to barely make it to the finish line.

If the blue shell has not yet locked onto you, but is nearby when you take the left bridge path in the valley, delay merging with the other paths before the second item set and the blue will continue past you from a different path. After a while it will poof.

Clip from Deci
Clip from Deci​

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Lightning Cup

DS Tick Tock Clock (rTTC): Can outrun to the finish line. Poof is possible, but incredibly difficult (Discovered by @Darky)

The blue shell must lock onto you after the glider/trick ramp. After exiting the cog section, start a right drift and release a MT, followed by a left drift and another MT. Start the final turn by drifting wide around the clock hand; releasing a SMT towards the finish line.

In order to poof the blue shell, at the first turn start a left drift and release a MT while tricking off of the ramp towards the left side. After landing, start a right drift and release a MT into a left drift. Release another MT into a right drift. Next, release that MT while tricking off of the ramp with the first pendulum. Land into a right drift and release a MT while tricking off the left side of the following ramp with the second pendulum. Land into another right drift followed by a MT and stay towards the left side of the track. At this point, continue with outrunning the blue as mentioned previously and it should poof.

Credit: @Elmer

3D Piranha Plant Slide (rPPS): Can outrun to the finish line. Poof is possible, but very difficult

The blue shell must lock onto you after the S-turn while entering the underwater section. As you enter the pipe, trick off of the first trick ramp and land into a left drift off of the second trick ramp. Release a SMT wide towards the far-right boost pad and trick on the glider. Land from the glider as soon as possible. Do a quick right hop followed by a left drift, releasing a MT as soon as possible towards the finish line.

To continue for the poof, assuming it had locked on right after the S-turn, trick off of the first trick ramp. Land into a left drift off of the second trick ramp and into the water. Release a MT as you trick off of the third trick ramp out of the water, aiming yourself towards the right of the piranha plant. Start a left drift after the boost from the trick runs out, holding wide until the following turn, and release a MT. Drive towards the left boost ramp, trick onto the second set of floating blocks, and start a left drift the instant you land. Avoid hitting the grounded pipe by going wide, release a MT into a right drift and another MT and the blue should poof.

Credit: @E.St4

Wii Grumble Volcano (rGV): Can outrun to the finish line

The blue shell must lock onto you after exiting the tunnel. Drive towards the glider and trick off of it. Upon landing, start a neutral drift around that turn towards the trick ramp before the final left/right split paths. Trick off of the ramp towards the right path and land into a left drift. Drift over the small patch of off-road, releasing a MT as you then start a right drift and trick on the trick ramp. Graze over the off-road and slightly drift out of it after landing before tricking on the last ramp towards the finish line.

Clip from Deci​

N64 Rainbow Road (rRRd): Can outrun to the finish line

The blue shell must lock onto you on the straightaway before the last item set. On the following turn, release back-to-back quick SMTs followed by a right drift into the first boost pad. Release a MT and trick on the glider towards the finish line.

Clip from Deci​

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Egg Cup

GCN Yoshi Circuit (dYC): Can't outrun or poof

Excitebike Arena (dEA): Can't outrun or poof

Dragon Driftway (dDD): Can't outrun or poof

Mute City (dMC): Can poof

The blue shell must lock onto you by the last item set. Drive normally and the blue will poof right after the final u-turn before the NISC.

Clip from Deci​

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Triforce Cup

Wii Wario's Gold Mine (dWGM): Can poof

The blue shell must lock onto you on the straightaway leading into the mine. Neutral drift and release a MT followed by another MT towards the boost ramp. Trick off of the boost ramp and land into a right drift; releasing a MT into a left drift. Release another MT into a right drift and veer towards the wide path. Release a MT and trick from the track into the tunnel. Hit the boost pads and trick out of the tunnel landing into a right drift. Charge a MT/SMT and drive normally from here. The blue should poof around the u-turn.

Clip from Deci​

SNES Rainbow Road (dRR): Can outrun to the finish line

The blue shell must lock onto you on the straightaway with the lone Thwomp in the middle. Start your drift before passing by the Thwomp and neutral drift a SMT around the turn with the last item set. Drive normally from here to the finish line.

Clip from Deci​

Ice Ice Outpost (dIIO): Can outrun to the finish line (Discovered by @Luma)

The blue shell must lock onto you after the second item set. While on the green path, charge a MT and trick off of the ramp. Start a drift after passing the last item set and hit the next two spin boosters. While hitting the second spin booster, release a SMT into another left drift onto the yellow path. Hit the third spin booster and trick on the glider. Charge a MT upon landing and drive straight towards the finish line

Clip from Deci​

Hyrule Circuit (dHC): Can't outrun or poof

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Crossing Cup

GCN Baby Park (dBP): Can't outrun or poof

GBA Cheese Land (dCL): Can't outrun or poof

Wild Woods (dWW): Can poof

The blue shell must lock onto you after the glider. Charge a quick SMT into the water slide followed by a right drift and SMT down the rest of the slide. Drive over the boost pads if you can, drift onto the trick ramp, and trick towards the right side of the NISC. Neutral hop over the off-road grass and trick off of the ramp. Start the next turn tight and drift wide before releasing a SMT and tricking onto the left split path. Land into a right drift and execute back-to-back MTs before tricking off of the next ramp. Land into a right drift and drift wide. The blue should poof around the glider.

Credit: @Toshiki_0829
Credit: @Nino.

Animal Crossing (dAC): Can outrun to the finish line in Summer, Spring, and Fall. Not possible in Winter

The blue shell must lock onto you at the last item set. Trick off of the boost ramp and charge a quick SMT around the final turn. Drive straight towards the finish line aiming towards the right side of the line and you should barely make it.

Clip from Deci​

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Bell Cup

3DS Neo Bowser City (dNBC): Can't outrun or poof

GBA Ribbon Road (dRiR): Can outrun to the finish line

The blue shell must lock onto you right before the glider ramp. Charge a SMT on the turn before driving off of the glider ramp. Upon landing, charge a quick SMT and drive straight towards the finish line where you should just barely make it.

Credit: @Elmer

Super Bell Subway (dSBS): Can outrun to the finish line

The blue shell must lock onto you right before the last item set. Take either of the middle boost pads and trick on the first ramp. Land from the trick into a left drift and hold it off of the second ramp. Upon landing, release a MT into a left drift and charge a SMT around the final turn. Drive straight towards the finish line and you should barely make it.

Clip from Deci​

Big Blue (dBB): Can outrun to the finish line

The blue shell must lock onto you before the final green/pink split paths. Take the green path and drive it normally (including the gap NISC) to the finish line.

Clip from Deci​

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Golden Dash Cup

Tour Paris Promenade (bPP): Can poof

You can outrun the blue shell if it locks onto you at any point on this track with standard driving since you're almost always in a boost and the turns are wide. 2 things to note is that you should take the boost pad section under the Eiffel tower as opposed to the quicker warp pipe route, and when taking the final long turn after the glider on lap 3 charge a MT followed by a SMT into the final roundabout towards the finish line.

Clip from Deci
Credit: @TechnicalJL

3DS Toad Circuit (bTC): Can poof, but very difficult

You can outrun the blue shell if it locks onto you at any point on this track, but it is very difficult to get around the first turn and requires a fast SMT into another MT towards the left boost pad. Thankfully given how quick this track plays, you're unlikely to encounter a blue shell until lap 3, where outrunning to the finish line is a lot more doable. After the boost pads charge a SMT through the tunnel, followed by back-to-back MTs and a final SMT towards the finish line.

Credit: @Elmer

N64 Choco Mountain (bCMo): Can outrun to the finish line

The blue shell must lock onto you at the last item set. SMT after the set followed by another MT/SMT and trick off the hills towards the finish line.

Clip from Deci​

Wii Coconut Mall (bCMa): Can outrun to the finish line

The blue shell must lock onto you before the split path that exits the mall. Take the lower path and trick off the boost pad landing into a right drift. Release a SMT through the car section and then a MT towards the finish line. Poofing the blue shell might be possible on this track.

Clip from Deci​
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Lucky Cat Cup
Tour Tokyo Blue (bTB): Can outrun to the finish line

The blue shell must lock on to you on lap 3 between the beginning Thwomps and the tollbooth gates. Start a right drift before passing the tollbooth gates, and release a quick SMT. Perform a counter hop into a left drift, hold the drift wide initially before the start of the big turn and drive into the outside lane. Release a SMT and immediately start another left drift, stay on the outside lane, and release another SMT into an immediate right drift. Finally, release a MT and trick on the glider towards the finish line.

Credit: @StiggyDan
Credit: @Elmer
DS Shroom Ridge (bSR): Can't outrun or poof

GBA Sky Garden (bSG): Can't outrun or poof

Tour Ninja Hideaway (bNH): Can poof

You can poof the blue shell if it locks onto you at any point on this track, but it's easiest if it locks onto you on either the top or bottom path after the beginning turn inside the temple. Trick off the glider ramp and land on one of the beams at the top of the next temple. Start a left drift and trick/MT onto the oncoming path. Trick off the platform before the fan instead of tricking off the fan itself. Tricking off the fan itself can result in low air time that will not get you across the gap. Trick again off the following platform and land into a left drift. Charge either a MT or SMT that you release into a counter hop right before tricking off the ramp towards the finish line. Land into a right drift and trick/MT off the finish line onto the bridge. MT into the temple and neutral drift a SMT around the beginning turn.

Credit: @Luckyo
Clip from Deci​
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