8va ~ Going the octave higher
Staff member
Amplify Staff
Site Supporter
Founding Member
Hello everyone,
This is a quick guide to posting results. Unlike the first three Amplify tournaments where results were posted on Discord, we're now aligning with the rest of Mario Kart Central with results to be posted on-site. Results will still be available on our official website along with the schedule and standings.
Guidelines for Posting Results:
- Make sure to post in the right section for the group or bracket you're in.
- Threads should be titled as follows:
- [Round Number] [Away team] [Score] - [Score] [Home Team]
- For example, [R2] HD 504 - 480 BL
- Threads should contain screen captures and/or videos, and optionally tables in addition. Make sure to provide screenshots and not just a table alone.
- Anything that affects the score must be noted, such as substitutions, disconnections, and repick penalties.
VIII. Results
- Both teams are responsible for gathering the match results. They are required to let staff know of any substitutions, disconnections, player names, etc.
- The away team is responsible for letting either the hosting team or staff know about any details that affect the score, as appropriate.
- The home team is responsible for posting the results to MKCentral, including feedback from the away team, in the designated forum section within 3 hours of the match's end, and before any affected teams' scheduled matches.
- If the home team is unable to provide complete results, the away team takes responsibility for communicating results, in part or in full, to staff.
- If neither team can provide complete results, the match will be deemed either incomplete (see section XI.) or a double forfeit (see rules XIII.b. and XIII.c.).
- Match results submitted must include at a minimum screen captures of all relevant scores, and optionally videos and/or tables in addition.
- If there is insufficient proof of a value on the score table, that value will default to the lowest possible amount given the provided proof.
- Staff deserve the right to request additional information regarding the match results.
Amplify Staff
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