Hydrated Vallecanos is RECRUITING new RACERS

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New member
¡Muy buenas a todos, corredores y corredoras!

Hydrated Vallecanos está buscando a unos cuantos corredores y corredoras dispuestos a jugar con nosotros.

Los únicos requisitos que pedimos son:

Que tenga ganas de jugar.
Que no sea muy tóxic@.
Que pueda hablar en call.
Que tenga disponibilidad para jugar torneos tipo MKU, Frontier, etc...
Disponibilidad entre las 18 y 22 hora CEST.
Y sobretodo, ser activ@s.

Si estás interesad@, escríbeme un DM a Discord: @el.denis.mrtz#9903


Hi everyone!

Hydrated Vallecanos is looking for a few racers and racers ready to play with us.

The only requirements we ask for are:

That you want to play.
That it is not very toxic.
That I can speak on call.
That he has availability to play tournaments such as MKU, Frontier, etc...
Availability between 18 and 22 hours CEST.
And above all, be active.

If you are interested, write me a DM on Discord: @el.denis.mrtz#9903

Thank you!


New member
I am looking for players to join HONDO. We are not doing too well now but the intent is to get the club up to speed. If you rep is high as other members join the club will do excellent. A minimum of six races per day.