Invite to my team

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Hello, I want to invite my friend to join my team, but when I type his name in manage rosters, nothing appears.
I think there is a link with the fact that his count is still not validated on discord.
Please help me to solve this affair.


New member

Your issue might be because your friend hasn't confirmed their Discord account via email yet. They should check their inbox and click the validation link from Discord. Without this, they can't join your team. Ask them to do it or resend the invite via email.

If it still doesn't work, try inviting them directly to your Discord server with an invitation link. The steps are simple and quick, and you can find them here: Discord Support or in this video tutorial: Clubic Tutorial.

Hope this helps you out. Good luck!
Thx for the reply, but the problem is already resolved, the problem was just a bug, we don't know why it didn't work. Thank you all the same, goodbye !