[W1] XP 448 - 361 pħ

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Hope we do better next time, sorry for troubles

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Founding Member
X Project will receive a -20pt-penalty. Please remember Rule 3.3.1.b.iv.:
iv. If the host fails to open the room within 5 minutes of the scheduled match time, they will receive a -10 (-7 in 5v5) points penalty. If the host fails to open the room within 10 minutes of the scheduled time, they will receive a -20 (-14 in 5v5) penalty. If the host fails to open the room within 15 minutes of the scheduled match time, the hosting team will automatically forfeit the match.

Details (proofs) have been shown in private, by Pirate Hackers, to confirm the room weren't open 10 minutes after the scheduled time.

X Project will receive a -10pt-penalty. Please remember Rule 3.5.c.:
c. Tags must always use the exact same casing as the official tag the team is registered with for every single character.
(Xp Martin is not allowed).

Pirate Hackers will have Roronoa's points deducted, due to Rule 1.2.c. (i. and ii.)
c. Players may only be registered with one MKU team. Multi-clanning is therefore prohibited.
i. Violating this rule by secretly signing up with a different name and Switch FC will officially be considered Alting.
ii. Players found to be alting will be referred to MKCentral Staff and permanently banned from all MKCentral competitions.

Roronoa's case have been brought to MKU Staff, and Staff took the decision to ban the player, and remove his points (-145pts).

Final score is therefore:
X Project 448 - 361 Pirate Hackers

Match is approved.
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