Recent content by K8Speedy

  1. K8Speedy

    [B2] ßß 150 - 0 ĐŽ ✓

    if you don't give a fuck what are you doing here?
  2. K8Speedy

    [B2] ßß 150 - 0 ĐŽ ✓

    now the table speak for themselves
  3. K8Speedy

    [B2] ßß 150 - 0 ĐŽ ✓

    frankly bravo while there are never them 7th players who watch the room what is the interest we do not that that matter I do not find that normal there is no proof nada but you prefer to put your friends in priority
  4. K8Speedy

    [F] Zodiacs 2 - 1 Jean-Pierre Papin

    Wahou magnifique c’est comme si pour moi j’avais gagner la Mku
  5. K8Speedy

    [A3] Greed Island 515 - 469 Gomaespuma ✓

    Kinuyo Power 🚀💪🏽🛸
  6. K8Speedy

