Recent content by Rolex

  1. Rolex

    [AB7] X 464 - 520 RK

    Perdimos por F :'c
  2. Rolex

    [R6] X 503 - 481 AGs

  3. Rolex

    [R4] X 499 - 485 FA

    Never lose hope
  4. Rolex

    (R2) X 567 - 417 KVT

  5. Rolex

    (R1) X 620 - 364 KD

  6. Rolex

    [MKU-DX] MKU Season 12 Preliminary Seedings

    We think that X (Fenix Y) should be d5
  7. Rolex

    MK8DX Agility V - October 17,18,24,25
  8. Rolex

    [B10] X 496 - YF 488 ✓

  9. Rolex

    [A12] Fénix 444 – 540 Zten ✓

    12 Shocks