Recent content by yashiro

  1. yashiro

    [B8] TC 526 - 458 FdP ✓

    GGs FdP!
  2. yashiro

    [AB7] Wミ 492 - 492 TC ✓

    GGs WE!
  3. yashiro

    [AB6] TC 485 - 499 FD ✓

  4. yashiro

    [AB4] TC 547 - 437 KD ✓

    GGs KD!
  5. yashiro

    [B3] TC 529 - 455 IW ✓

    GGs IW2!
  6. yashiro

    [B1] TC 535 - 449 FdP ✓

    GGs FdP!
  7. yashiro

    [M10] TC 522 - 462 FdP ✓

    GGs FdP! Thanks to all teams for this great Season on div17, see you on next MKU!
  8. yashiro

    [M8] TC 504 - 480 GΛ ✓

    GGs GA it was a great war, good luck in your next match!
  9. yashiro

    [M7] TC 540 - 444 κρ ✓

    Zakk dc race 2: +8 airhog dc race 3: +6 Zakk dc race 4: +3 GGs KP and good luck in your next match!
  10. yashiro

    [M6] TC 566 - 418 レマ ✓

  11. yashiro

    [M5] TC 506 - 478 FdP ✓

    GGs FdP and good luck in your next match!
  12. yashiro

    [M4] TC 531 - 453 Mт ✓

    Vamp +1 dc GGs Mt and good luck in your next match!
  13. yashiro

    [M3] TC 517 - 467 GΛ ✓

    GGs GA, good luck in your next match!