Kart/Bike combos on Clan Wars vs Lounge FFA's etc

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When I play a FFA I tend to use the scooty with the rollers but in like a clan war its usually the wiggler is there a disadvantage on using a scooty in a clan war or a wiggler in FFA idk this is coming from a noob


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I would say that's more than fine and it's even something I consider also, though I'll have mood swings on what I want to use sometimes. You can't really go wrong with either. Maybe one is better than the other overall but neither one is going to hinder your results at all. If using Scooty though just make sure to take advantage of MTing, it's what makes it so good.


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I main the scooty and don't see myself as disadvantaged at all. As rookie said, you gotta abuse Mini turbos. Personally, I also like how loose it feels and helps me dodge stuff better.