D1 players Tier List. 200 Edition!

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Founding Member
S Tier.
Nick, Laquon, StervtL, Darky, AceTman, Espurr Brandon, Erickfree, SuperFX, Ryan5, James, Doodle, Slater, Twonk, Thimo, 3-up, Civil, Varo, Storm, Joebo.

A Tier.
Rylan (He's still on pd registry) Dman, Shadow, TSM8, JKSonic, Ethan, Army, Barn, Jordie, Joshua, Rookie, Teeples, Zebe, Sketch, Alpha, Carty, Gecko, Azuza, Michael, Ember, Hobbie, Somen, Popuko, Indy Wolfy.

B Tier.
Nulp, Bryce, Shiiguy, Boshi, Din, Fox04k, Gucci, Joel, Ninja, Tromtendo, Perishi, Rod, Spectrum, Dylan, Italic, SkyTheKid, Hedgi.

C Tier.
Fuko, Yellowfish, Jason, Marsh, Dashi, Jinny, Dragon, Lily, Benjax, Violin, Reno.

D Tier.
DigBaDa, Zodiac, Garch, Sean, Cherry, Marc.

2 Free Agent Players are Chim and Teezee, as they cannot play a match since they are nor registered to a team do not qualify for the list, although both would be S.
If I missed anyone sorry and I didn't know who some were, I checked MKWRs and nothing came up so I just put them wherever, my opinion is subject to change later down the line and as D1 changes.


Founding Member
move me to D tier or else

who deleted my image