[MKU-DX] Season 14 Preliminary Seedings

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I haven't seen any comment on the status of this, and from the staff I have talked to they don't seem to see the issue. It is impossible to say that (for example) a 8-0-2 in one conference is better than 7-0-3 in the other.

For example, let's say that this upcoming season Re; wins conference A, barely beating out wf with a 7-0-3 record. In conference B HD wins the conference with an 8-0-2 record. Let's say Re; beat HD in the inter conference matchup, however regardless of this specific result it doesn't change the argument. HD now gets to force Re; to play wf because they had the "better record". What is the point of conferences and playoffs if you are going to decide right then and there that HD has the best performance in the division? If you're going to hand them the advantage there, why don't you also just hand them the division title? The point of playoffs is to sort out the differences in schedule that each team had, because you cannot say that one was more impressive than the other.

If this rule is really going to be implemented, I like Rookie's solution in the quoted message. Out of the two conference winners, the team that beat the other in the inter conference match gets the advantage.

Maybe I'm the only one who really see's the issue here, but the only justification I got from a staff member was basically that the ends justify the means because "they still have to play the winner of ____ vs _____ in finals though". I was also told that this is a rare situation, but the problem is more deeply rooted than a specific situation where a team gets screwed, it's about comparing records immediately post-season.

The teams I named are purely for the purpose of painting a picture, it's obvious that this situation was built to prove a point, but I'm sure you can see how screwed over Re; would feel and as I said before it goes deeper than just any specific situation.

Please fix this

Don't think I could've put it better myself. The "rare situation" argument is just a logical fallacy. Just because something only has like a 10% chance of happening doesn't mean it should be left untouched. It's strictly a worse scenario than just fixing the rule so it doesn't happen at all. There is simply no downside to preventing the undesired event from happening to begin with. 100% success is better than 90%.

Blue Orange

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The playoff rule is an improvement I think. I would recommend letting the winner of the H2H matchup between the conf winners (in interconf play) choose the matchup though, since there's no evidence to which record is actually more impressive (due to teams playing different schedules). A single head to head game between the 2 teams is all that's needed to determine who earns the right, and most of the time, the team who wins the H2H will be the best record anyways.

We're definitely considering the suggestion for future seasons, but for now, we've decided not to make changes to the playoff structure. The reason for this is that we want to reward the most consistent winner in each division. Even though record alone does not determine the 'best team', it does a decent job depicting what team is better at winning games. If you want to talk more in the MKU server, feel free.


Founding Member
Hey, seems kinda late to post this, but we wanted to gather some information from our members first.
NFO Blaze got seeded into D1, but especially since we had to rebuild the team, we would like to get reseeded into D2. Most of our members want to play in D2 and we think it's better to get a synergy into that new team. If you look at the roster you'll see players like me, Pulse, Lorenz, and Haupi who couldn't really gather any high-div MKU experience and are pretty new to high-div wars in general. The main point about mentioning this is, that many of them will have to play a few MKU matches due to players missing. Actually I think you'll quite often see a scenario, where at least 2-3 of these 4 may be in the lineup and that is definitely not a D1 ready lineup. Especially looking at me, Lorenz and Pulse you have 3 former D5 players and it would be kinda early and rough to put them into D1.

Secondary (and unfortunately) we can't post many tables, since we didn't really have full Blaze wars, or like a handful of them. I can post one table vs Resemblence and the Soul one from Velocity.



So all in all we can say, that there are better options for D1 instead of us, teams that can perform better and will show somewhat of a competition to other teams in there.
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Founding Member
Hello, I'm Roberto from RK Stars, a new team which was seeded in d8 for this season. I'd like to request our seed to be lower, since I don't think the team will work at all in that division. This team is formed out of 3 D1 players, and 12 players that are completely new to the game (the most experience most of them have is 4 or 5 weeks). This esencially means that most of them would do just fine at around d20, all of them would struggle at around d15, and all of them would get outrunned every time in d8. Also, even though we have 3 players from D1, there won't be a single match where all of us play, I know you don't take this into consideration but just to make it clear. Still, even if the 3 of us played, I don't think we should be seeded any higher than D10. We don't have any extra results to show the staff as of now, but we'll try to get some, not sure if we'll manage though. In any case, thanks for reading and considering our request.
We were able to play a couple wars today, we lost by 6 to a d14 team and we won by a lot against Zodiac Warriors mix, which I believe had 2 players from their 1st team (d14 or d16, I don't recall) and four from the 2nd (d21 i think). Also, all three D1 players in our team played both these wars, which, again, is not what we plan to do during the MKU. This is why I think we shouldn't be seeded any higher than D12 or D13. These are the tables:


Thanks again for reading.
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MKU Staff
Hello eXodus2 here,

eXodus2 currently D13 requests to go down to D14. Sorry for the late request, but the last results showed us that we won't have a chance in D13.

Here some tables with some explanations:

A close result against RB D14, yes a win, but still close against lower Div. I think they had no allies in this scrim.


Here we have a loss against a currently in D15 seeded team Dragon Bill. We have a penalty so if we take this into consideration, we have a -30 lose against D15.


vs turbo shells. ts in D14 and we lost with 74, they were missing their second best player. unoda -> nicocolom.


Result against Royal Stars. We lost with -72 against a D14 Team also lower than us. Zeke = Jay


AD Equinox. We faced AD2 and they were clearly stronger with a -112 lose in the same division.

Thanks for your attention and have a nice evening.