Netty joins the MK-Bot Squad

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200L Staff
Media Staff
Site Supporter
Bot created by @Brainy


A friend of mine is currently creating a bot with a lot of features. Name of the bot is Netty and one of the plans for the bot is to make the life of mk8d players easier. It will consist lots of features for time trialers, war players and players in general. Currently it has 3 features that are interesting for mk8d players but there is more to come. Some features might overlap with other bots that already exist but we are trying to mostly add new stuff. Also we would really appreciate if you could send us your wishes for features below this thread. Additionally the bot is currently only available in german tho in the near future english (flag:US), french (flag:GF) and spanish (flag:ES) will be added and if we can we will also add japanese (flag:JP). This post will always be edited if there is news regarding the bots features.

You can invite the bot if you click here: INVITE NETTY BOT TO YOUR SERVER

Netty Bot will use slash commands since the 1st of September be sure to give it all its perms that are required. If you already have him on your server you should have recieved a direct message with an explanation. If you add him now it will automatically have all permissions it needs.

List of current features:

#1 Change your prefix

by using !prefix <new_prefix> from now on you can change the symbol to activate commands all commands below will use the new prefix instead of "!"


*only user with admin perms can change prefixes

#2 Change the bot to your personal language

by using !language <language_tag> you can change the bot settings so it only shows the language you chose this command works individual so one person on your server can have english activated, the other person german for example.


If the bot reacts with a handshake everything worked.

Current list of supported languages:

en - english (flag:US)
de - german (flag:DE)

by just using !language you can also check on your server which languages are supported right now


*not final

#3 Twitch Streams of your Clan Members

by using !registertwitch <twitch name> the bot will always send the twitch link into this channel when the person goes live on Twitch

You can deactivate this feature by using !unregistertwitch <twitch name> then the person will be removed and their stream wont be shown anymore when going live.




#4 Who currently has WR on? (Wave 2 added now)

by using !mkwr <track shortcut> <cc> you can see exactly which person has the WR on the chosen track and speed.

Command hands out:

-person with flag
-video link (click onto the blue shown text)
-character and vehicle combo


We are also currently tinkering to add the google sheets for shroomless bkts, wiggler, biddy and flaps

#5 WarBot (New stuff added)

by using !race <Spots (6) numbers> the bot hands out the current standing and difference.

Additionally by writing the verbal shortcuts for tracks (mks. wp, ssc, etc...) behind you will get a little picture of it shown in the top right corner. You can also type information if someone dced behind the track be sure to have a SPACE inbetween.


This is just a simpler toadbot if the real one has issues for some reason. We are planning to do some additions tho.

by using !mkcomplete you stop the bot and it hands out the final result from this point on it starts again at 0 - 0

Alfter using this command you will see the final result in your discord channel and recieve a link, that shows you a graphic from your scores you can also see the info you wrote next to the command shown in the graphic.


by using !mkrevert you revert the last race that you have logged in to correct mistakes in score


This only supports mk8d 6v6 and no other games or modes. As you can see this feature is our current work and progress. Have fun using this bot for your purposes. Bot doesnt show booster pass tracks yet and the scores look kinda weird on mobile right now. All will be fixed in the future.

#5.1 ScoreOverlay

by using !mkdisplay Netty hands out a link you can use as a browser source in your streaming/recording software to show the scores you enter in the bot on your screen. this link only works for the channel you sent the command in




You can use custom CSS as well to change this is the one for the settings shown in the above picture. You can change color and font at will.


*Fonts have to be in the common CSS fonts really special fonts do not work

color: white;
font-family: 'Fatcat';


You can invite the bot if you click here: INVITE NETTY BOT TO YOUR SERVER

Send us all your feedback and ideas (even if they are silly) for the bot below this thread.
Updates will come soon and the list of features will become longer and longer stay tuned :)

To be continued...
Last edited:


New member
Bot created by @Brainy


A friend of mine is currently creating a bot with a lot of features. Name of the bot is Netty and one of the plans for the bot is to make the life of mk8d players easier. It will consist lots of features for time trialers, war players and players in general. Currently it has 3 features that are interesting for mk8d players but there is more to come. Some features might overlap with other bots that already exist but we are trying to mostly add new stuff. Also we would really appreciate if you could send us your wishes for features below this thread. Additionally the bot is currently only available in german tho in the near future english (flag:US), french (flag:GF) and spanish (flag:ES) will be added and if we can we will also add japanese (flag:JP). This post will always be edited if there is news regarding the bots features.

You can invite the bot if you click here: INVITE NETTY BOT TO YOUR SERVER

List of current features:

#1 Twitch Streams of your Clan Members

by using !registertwitch <twitch name> the bot will always send the twitch link into this channel when the person goes live on Twitch

You can deactivate this feature by using !unregistertwitch <twitch name> then the person will be removed and their stream wont be shown anymore when going live.




#2 Who currently has WR on?

by using !mkwr <track shortcut> <cc> you can see exactly which person has the WR on the chosen track and speed.

Command hands out:

-person with flag
-video link
-character and vehicle combo


We are also currently tinkering to add the google sheets for shroomless bkts, wiggler, biddy and flaps

#3 WarBot

by using !race <Spots (6) numbers> the bot hands out the current standing and difference.

This is just a simpler toadbot if the real one has issues for some reason. We are planning to do some additions tho for example a streamoverlay for obs/streamlabs where the score shows on your stream. But for now this would be a downgrade to normal toadbot and is just an assurance if the real one has issues.

by using !mkcomplete you stop the bot and it hands out the final result from this point on it starts again at 0 - 0


This only supports mk8d 6v6 and no other games or modes. As you can see this feature is our current work and progress. Have fun using this bot for your purposes.

You can invite the bot if you click here: INVITE NETTY BOT TO YOUR SERVER

Send us all your feedback and ideas (even if they are silly) for the bot below this thread.
Updates will come soon stay tuned

To be continued...
Very cool! We use it already :D


Bot created by @Brainy


A friend of mine is currently creating a bot with a lot of features. Name of the bot is Netty and one of the plans for the bot is to make the life of mk8d players easier. It will consist lots of features for time trialers, war players and players in general. Currently it has 3 features that are interesting for mk8d players but there is more to come. Some features might overlap with other bots that already exist but we are trying to mostly add new stuff. Also we would really appreciate if you could send us your wishes for features below this thread. Additionally the bot is currently only available in german tho in the near future english (flag:US), french (flag:GF) and spanish (flag:ES) will be added and if we can we will also add japanese (flag:JP). This post will always be edited if there is news regarding the bots features.

You can invite the bot if you click here: INVITE NETTY BOT TO YOUR SERVER

List of current features:

#1 Twitch Streams of your Clan Members

by using !registertwitch <twitch name> the bot will always send the twitch link into this channel when the person goes live on Twitch

You can deactivate this feature by using !unregistertwitch <twitch name> then the person will be removed and their stream wont be shown anymore when going live.




#2 Who currently has WR on?

by using !mkwr <track shortcut> <cc> you can see exactly which person has the WR on the chosen track and speed.

Command hands out:

-person with flag
-video link
-character and vehicle combo


We are also currently tinkering to add the google sheets for shroomless bkts, wiggler, biddy and flaps

#3 WarBot

by using !race <Spots (6) numbers> the bot hands out the current standing and difference.

This is just a simpler toadbot if the real one has issues for some reason. We are planning to do some additions tho.

by using !mkcomplete you stop the bot and it hands out the final result from this point on it starts again at 0 - 0


This only supports mk8d 6v6 and no other games or modes. As you can see this feature is our current work and progress. Have fun using this bot for your purposes.

#3.1 ScoreOverlay

by using !mkdisplay Netty hands out a link you can use as a browser source in your streaming/recording software to show the scores you enter in the bot on your screen. this link only works for the channel you sent the command in




You can use custom CSS as well to change this is the one for the settings shown in the above picture. You can change color and font at will.


*Fonts have to be in the common CSS fonts really special fonts do not work

color: white;
font-family: 'Fatcat';


You can invite the bot if you click here: INVITE NETTY BOT TO YOUR SERVER

Send us all your feedback and ideas (even if they are silly) for the bot below this thread.
Updates will come soon and the list of features will become longer and longer stay tuned :)

To be continued...
I love it! We are already using it 👍🏻


Site Supporter
@Brainy With this bot it is possible to have a record of the timetrial of each player per track?, or else it would be interesting to develop it. Greetings and thanks for the contribution.