[W5] TL 482-492 LTK

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Team Luxembourg 482-502 Latin Kart


Overall GP Pic:

-Host: TL BenDK
-Disconnects 2, here are the proofs of their points, which have been included in the final table:
1° LTK John gets +21
2° LTK evin gets +17
-Due the Summer time to winter time change, there was a mistake in the fixture table. We managed to get 6 players in the last minutes, anyways thanks for this stressful evening due the fault in the fixtures.
-The oppenent used some unreadeable tags, as you can see in the screenshots, I personally won´t take a decision into penalties on this, we just wanted to inform you.
-Overall gg wp to our oppenent Latin Kart it was a nice match but nevertheless, our confidence in the Staff has been much broken after this massive time fault of their part and already in the past matches when team representatives are not in the Discord Channel. There must be changes into this finally. We are already in Week 5.
The mood of some players in our team is pretty much fucked after this scenario. I´m glad of my mates managed to be on time.

Have a good night!

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For not respecting the following rule :

3.5 Mii Names
c. Tags must always use the exact same casing as the official tag the team is registered with for every single character.

LTK will get a -10 penalty which will result on the following outcome :

TL 482 - 492 LTK

Sorry for the late update on this, I had to catch up with the whole D9.